Archive for October, 2013

Wetland in Danger!

October 04th, 2013 | Category: 4th Grade,Writing

By: Cory

One day Cory and Tyler were walking to the wetland.   They saw people building houses. Cory said, “Hey Tyler we should tell those people they’re ruining the wetland.”  Tyler said, “The wetlands are in danger of being destroyed.  New homes are planned for the area.   The wetlands provide a refueling spot for birds.  Wetlands also filter water and  provide a nursery for young birds.  If the wet lands are destroyed it may cause a flood and the fish and birds may die. Without the wetland to clean the water it will be dirty.”  Bob said, “Oh no, I’m ruining the wetland. I will find a better place that isn’t a wetland. Thank you for telling me.”

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My First Post

October 01st, 2013 | Category: Uncategorized

HI i’m Cory Curry from Mr. D”s class.


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